1. The first and easiest company to sign up with is a very well known company, Johnson & Johnson. The right@home program is fantastic. They offer tons of high value coupons for all sorts of items like candles, cleaning products, etc! ANDDDD every few weeks, they offer free product kits to the first 10,000 requests (I'm not sure if it is always 10,000 maybe more sometimes, but I believe I have only seen it for the first 10,000) The most recent kit they were offering was an oust air freshener kit! I have also requested scrubbing bubbles toilet cleaning pack, and a few others but I can't recall what they are off the top of my head.
2.The next company I am going to talk about is Vocal Point. Vocalpoint is a word-of-mouth company, you can request free full size products to try out, after you get it and use it for a while, you write up a review on what you think. Don't forget to be honest! Companies & consumers rely on these reviews to help mold the product into something we all want to use! CLICK HERE to sign up for vocal point! Today, I received a free Bounce Dryer Bar to try out and review!

I am still playing around with a few other companies, so once I feel them out, I will be posting a few more. I prefer to only let you guys know about the companies that are legitimate and really do follow through!!
hi hunn =)
thanks girl for letting us know. I will definitely give Vacalpoint a try.
and btw, im a new follower and love your blog. hopefully you can check out mine too.
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